
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Listomania! Download and Print

I love lists. Well, maybe I don't love them, but I do make a lot of them and feel good when I check things off of them. And despite the blackberry that rarely leaves my side, my lists are usually on folded pieces of used printer paper or post-its with a bunch of tiny writing that only I can decipher. There is just something so satisfying about taking a pen and crossing an item off that paper list! I know, I may have a problem :)  If you'd like your lists to say you're a little less crazy and a little more cute and goal-oriented, download and print this template from Julie Ann Art. Thanks Julie!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Make a Sock Monkey Hat

As my mom always says, "sock monkeys bring joy to everyone". Well now you can spread some joy by making this adorable baby sock monkey hat with a tutorial from Do Ah Diddy. My cousin Juleah made the one pictured here for her little boy (also pictured here - could he be any cuter?). She claims this was her first crocheting project, but I think she must be lying. Closet crocheter!

 Thanks to Juleah for sharing this idea and beautiful picture of her little boy, who certainly needs no sock monkeys to bring joy to those around him.

Need some general crocheting tips? Check out these helpful videos on You Tube from Crochet Geek!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Make a Wine Stopper with a Drawer Pull

I've had my eye on all those cute drawer pulls at Anthropolgie for quite some time. I was just sure they were a craft project waiting to happen, but never actually got around to making it so. Well, the clever girls at the Spotted Fox have done it and you can too! Check out their tutorial for these wine stoppers here.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Wedding Party Loves Life

I was recently asked to create a custom design for a wedding party. The bride picked the colors and asked for either a tree or a flower. Knowing aspen trees grow in her area of the country, I sketched up one and added an inspiring phrase chosen by the bride. Expressing my creativity makes me love life. How about you? 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Tuesday Treasure

A well curated treasury. Get more details here!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Perfect Hot Summer Meal

When it's too hot to cook, try this no-cook, easy and delicious recipe for Vietnamese Summer Rolls from White on Rice Couple Todd Porter and Diane Cu. This is one of my all time favorite dishes because it utilizes so many great fresh ingredients, is totally customizable to your taste, and is fun to assemble! I had these at a Vietnamese restaurant several years ago and have been making them regularly ever since. Unlike the recipe shared here, my husband and I prefer to set out all the pre-washed and pre-cut ingredients in a selection of serving dishes and let our guests go to town! It gets everyone involved so it's great for parties. To add more variety, you can also include sauteed shrimp, chicken or steak, and offer a variety of dipping sauces like soy, peanut, sweet and sour, spicy mustard, etc. The possibilities are endless! 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

New Cake Platters!

Recently added cake platters now in my shop!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday Treasure

I have been fortunate enough to be included in some really great treasuries lately. Here is one of my favorites :)